Scots Gold

Scotch Whisky Crossword Puzzle

How well do you know your whisky from your whiskey? it's time to test your Scotch knowledge! Scroll down for  the answers.

1 - What is the minimum amount of years Scotch need to be aged for?
2 - Which Scotch whisky region is known for its smokey whisky?
3 - Which Scottish whisky region is the most densely populated with whisky distilleries?
4 - What type of wood must whisky be matured in to legally be called Scotch whisky?
5 - What is the most common material for stills to be made from?
7 - what animal is featured on the Scots Gold label?

6 - What does uisge beatha (Gaelic for "whisky") mean?
8 - besides water and yeast, what is the main ingredient in Scotch?



1 - Three
2 - Islay
3 - Speyside
4 - Oak 
5 - Copper
7 - Eagle 

6 -  Water of life
8 - Barley